Visual Basic for Applications
Dim myStr As String
myStr = InputBox("a or b?")
If myStr = "a" Then
MsgBox "You choose: a"
ElseIf myStr = "b" Then
MsgBox "You choose: b"
MsgBox "Invalid input"
End If
Dim myIndex As Integer
While (myIndex < 3)
myIndex = myIndex + 1
Dim myIndex As Integer
For myIndex = 0 To 3 Step 1
Dim myStr As String
myStr = InputBox("a or b?")
Select Case myStr
Case "a"
MsgBox "You choose: a"
Case "b"
MsgBox "You choose: b"
Case Else
MsgBox "Invalid input"
End Select
Dim myArray As Variant
Dim myIndex As Integer
Dim myArrayDimension As Integer
myArray = Array("one", "two", "ect...")
myArrayDimension = UBound(myArray)
myIndex = 0
While myIndex <= myArrayDimension
'do something...
MsgBox "myArray(" & myIndex & ")= " & myArray(myIndex)
myIndex = myIndex + 1
Dim V_Warning As String
V_Warning = MsgBox("Sei sicuro?", 4)
If V_Warning = 6 Then
'operazione da eseguire, se viene data la conferma
End If
Public Sub IncollaSpeciale()
On Error GoTo Err
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
Exit Sub
MsgBox ("si è verificato un errore")
Exit Sub
End Sub
Public Const myConst As Integer = 1
vbCrLf: Ritorno a capo (Carriage Return + Line Feed).
vbTab: Tabulazione orizzontale.
Shell "cmd /C start """" /max """ & myFolder & """", vbHide
Dim myFolder As String
'(Cartella "Documenti")
myFolder = Application.DefaultFilePath
Sub test()
MsgBox fileExists (ThisWorkbook.Path & "\test.xlsx")
End Sub
Public Function fileExists(ByVal myFile As String) As Boolean
fileExists = (Dir(myFile) <> "")
End Function
Public Function fileExists(ByVal myFile As String) As Boolean
fileExists = (Dir(myFile) <> "")
End Function
Public Sub deleteFile(ByVal myFile As String)
If fileExists(myFile) Then
SetAttr myFile, vbNormal
Kill myFile
End If
End Sub
Sub test()
editExcelFile "test.xlsx", "Ciao"
End Sub
Public Function editExcelFile(myFile As String, myString As String)
Dim myWorkbook As Workbook
Set myWorkbook = Workbooks.Open(myFile)
Cells(1, 1) = myString
myWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
End Function
Public Sub NewSheet()
Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
End Sub
Public Sub DelSheet()
If Sheets.Count > 1 Then
MsgBox ("La cartella contiene un solo foglio!")
End If
End Sub
Public Sub RenameSheet()
Dim i As Integer
Dim n As String
i = 1
n = InputBox("Rinomina foglio", "Nuovo nome:", ActiveSheet.Name)
While i < Sheets.Count
If n = Sheets(i).Name Then
MsgBox ("Esiste già un foglio con quel nome")
Exit Sub
End If
i = i + 1
If IsNull(n) = False And n <> "" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = n
End If
End Sub
Sub sheet_protection_true()
sheet_protection ActiveSheet, True
End Sub
Sub sheet_protection_false()
sheet_protection ActiveSheet, False
End Sub
Public Function sheet_protection(mySheet As Worksheet, myStatus As Boolean)
If myStatus = True Then
End If
End Function
Public Sub SheetsVisibleNotVisible()
Dim Matrice_fogli As Variant
Dim DimensioneArray As Integer
Dim Indice As Integer
Matrice_fogli = Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet3")
DimensioneArray = UBound(Matrice_fogli, 1)
For Indice = 0 To DimensioneArray Step 1
Sheets(Matrice_fogli(Indice)).Visible = Not Sheets(Matrice_fogli(Indice)).Visible
End Sub
Sub display_headings_true()
display_headings True
End Sub
Sub display_headings_false()
display_headings False
End Sub
Public Function display_headings(myStatus As Boolean)
ActiveWindow.DisplayHeadings = myStatus
End Function
Sub display_formulaBar_true()
display_formulaBar True
End Sub
Sub display_formulaBar_false()
display_formulaBar False
End Sub
Public Function display_formulaBar(myStatus As Boolean)
Application.DisplayFormulaBar = myStatus
End Function
Sub hide_columns_true()
Dim fromCol As Integer
Dim toCol As Integer
fromCol = InputBox("From column?")
toCol = InputBox("To column?")
hide_columns fromCol, toCol, True
End Sub
Sub hide_columns_false()
Dim fromCol As Integer
Dim toCol As Integer
fromCol = InputBox("From column?")
toCol = InputBox("To column?")
hide_columns fromCol, toCol, False
End Sub
Public Function hide_columns(myColFrom As Integer, myColTo As Integer, myStatus As Boolean)
Range(Cells(1, myColFrom), Cells(1, myColTo)).EntireColumn.Hidden = myStatus
End Function
Public Sub FormatoNumero()
Selection.NumberFormat = "#,##0"
End Sub
Public Sub FormatoValuta()
Selection.NumberFormat = "$ #,##0"
End Sub
Public Sub FormatoPercentuale()
Selection.Style = "Percent"
End Sub
Public Sub AdattaColonne()
End Sub
Public Sub BloccaOrizz()
ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = False
'reset evtl blocchi precedenti
ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
End Sub
Public Function sheetClear(myWorkbook As Workbook, mySheet As String)
With myWorkbook.Worksheets(mySheet)
.Cells.Borders.LineStyle = xlNone
.Cells.HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral
.Cells.Interior.Pattern = xlNone
.Cells.Interior.TintAndShade = 0
.Cells.Interior.PatternTintAndShade = 0
.Cells.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.Cells.Font.TintAndShade = 0
End With
End Function
Sub cartella_corrente()
MsgBox ThisWorkbook.Path
MsgBox ThisWorkbook.FullName
Dim mySeparator
mySeparator = "/" 'or "/" for an url, for example in OneDrive
'\ = Windows directory separator
'/ = Unix path separator
Dim myStr As String
myStr = Left(ThisWorkbook.FullName, InStrRev(ThisWorkbook.FullName, mySeparator) - 1)
MsgBox "Path: " & myStr
myStr = Right(ThisWorkbook.FullName, Len(ThisWorkbook.FullName) - InStrRev(ThisWorkbook.FullName, mySeparator))
MsgBox "File name: " & myStr
End Sub
Public Sub AggiornaTutto()
Dim myWorkbook As Workbook
End Sub
Cells(1, 1).Formula = "=TODAY()"
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(2, 2)).Value = 1